Directory and Leadership Contact information for the many organizations and ministries at St. Thomas More
Pastoral Leadership
Parish Trustees
Henry Glover and Jeannine McMenamin
Christian Life/Education
Bereavement: Staff 424-3212
Consolation Ministry: Ann Marie Lento 344-7454
Faith and Justice Team: Chris Baeckstrom 912-7078
Hospital Visitors: Staff & Euch. Ministers 424-3212
Intercessory Prayer: Ann Vigrass 428-7217
Knights of Columbus: David Galloway 609-980 6006
Marriage Formation: Bob/Liz Scarpa 795-1160
Parish Rel. Ed. Prog.: Sr. Rosangela Ganau 424-3212
Prayer Shawls: Ann Vigrass
Respect Life
Rite of Ch. Init. Adults: Sister Ann Byrnes 424-3212
Rosary Ministry: Marian Kapischke 424-2053
Small Christian Comm.: Ann Marie/Bob Lento 344-7454
Spiritual Retreats: John Galati 428-7073
St. Vincent de Paul: Paul Rossi 424-3212
Stewardship: Sheila Tartamosa: 424-3212
Youth Ministry
Altar Servers: Sister Ann Byrnes 424-3212
Church Environment: Marianne Wilkins
Eucharistic Ministers: Sr. Ann Byrnes
Lectors: Sr. Ann Byrnes
Linen Committee: Ann Vigrass 428-7217
Sacristans: Greta Tyrrell, Dom Sacca, Dave Bongiovanni and Joe Centonze
Ushers: Chico Febus
Social Development Bridge Groups:
Joyce DeMichele 424-4008 Barbara Cerquitella 795-7323
Parish Festival Committee: 424-3212
Welcoming Team: Shirley Kane 424-8022
Women’s Club:
Barbara Cerquitella 795-7323 Lorraine Kennedy 489-0031
House of Charity Sheila Tartamosa 424-3212
Parish Finance Council Robert Crawford 424-3212
Parish Pastoral Council Marie Enny 751-8893